
How to make notes in CLUE/CLUEDO

If you know what you’re doing, taking notes in CLUE/CLUEDO can lead to a quick win. It takes practice, but we have 7 tips that will help you to make notes during the game. Surprise your competition with a fast and accurate accusation!

Lesson #1 Use the matrix

You get clues from every turn, not just when you make an accusation. The app automatically tracks basic information for you, adding a tick when you know a player holds a card, and a cross when you know they don’t. Keep an eye on this! If a suspect, weapon or room has a cross in each column, that means that no-one has the card and it must be involved in the murder!

Lesson #2- Count ticks in columns

In a 6 player game each player has 3 cards. If another player’s column has 3 ticks in it, you know exactly what is in their hand! You can then add crosses to all other cells in that player’s column, which may then give you valuable information about other rows.

Lesson #3 – Count crosses in columns

This strategy is the (rarer) reverse of lesson #2. In a 6 player game each player has 3 cards. If the number of free cells in a column is the same as the number of unknown cards for that player, you know those cells must be ticks, so you can fill those rows in.

Lesson #4 – Elimination through advanced notation

When a player secretly shows a card to another player you can get information from that (unless you already know which of the 3 cards was shown).This is important. For example:

  • You suspect Reverend Green holds the dagger and the conservatory cards 
  • Mustard accuses Miss Scarlett in the library with the wrench
  • Reverend Green reveals a card to Mustard

Use the app’s advanced notation to group together cards that a player potentially has, so that you can look back at your notes and say: “ On a particular turn, this player showed someone else either suspect x, weapon y or room.”

Lesson #5 – Clues through overlapping advanced notation

The key with advanced notation is to ensure that you use different numbers to group different suggestions within a particular player’s column. Often you might find that you end up with multiple notation within a particular cell. That’s a good – but not infallible – indicator that this player had the card. It’s not enough evidence to add a tick, but it might guide the future suggestions you make.

Lesson #6 – Elimination through non-overlapping advanced notation

If you have multiple notation groups that don’t overlap, that can sometimes provide enough information to be able to eliminate all other cells in the column with certainty.

Lesson #7 – Only one option left

When you’ve identified a weapon, suspect or room, that makes it easier to figure out who has the other items in that category.

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