Precision Medicine
Dr. Anthony Chang, medical director at CHOC Children’s, says artificial intelligence won’t replace the empathy doctors can provide to patients but smart machines can reduce the time clinicians spend on computers.
Hee Hwang, CIO of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, says promising opportunities for transformation exist, especially in Asia and Middle East.
Nicola Dames’ patient experience provided the inspiration needed to transform her business into a healthcare provider, says the CEO of Vanilla Blush.
Anne Snowdon, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the University of Windsor, discusses the development of supply chain maturity model H-SIMM and how healthcare supply chains help achieve the most desirable outcomes for patients and clinicians.
Kamal Obbad, co-founder and CEO of Nebula Genomics, is working to help consumers understand consent and the risks to consider before giving someone access to their data based on a blockchain model.
India Hook-Barnard, director of research strategy at the University of California San Francisco, gives a high-level look at how knowledge networks work and how healthcare can leverage them for better analytics and for advancing precision medicine.
India Hook-Barnard, associate director of precision medicine strategy at University of California San Francisco, says it's all about the data and how integrating and analyzing data will open the door to precision medicine.
Nick Harte, solutions director for Cambio Healthcare Systems, explains why he thinks genomics, smart systems, standardized care and the adoption of data standards have such huge potential for the sector.
Eric Dishman, director of the All of Us Research Program, explains the goals of the landmark genomics initiative – and explains how his own personal experience with whole-genome sequencing has informed his work.
John Deeken, MD, discusses the mission of Inova Translational Medicine Institute and how genomic sequencing is changing the culture of patient care.